Waterproof Expert

Waterproofing tips & tricks


How can I remove waterproof spray from leather?

The best way to remove waterproof spray from leather shoes and boots is with isopropyl alcohol or saddle soap.

Let’s explore how you can use these two solutions to break the waterproof coating from leather footwear.

How to use isopropyl alcohol to remove waterproof spray

Spray isopropyl alcohol on a towel or microfiber cloth and wipe your leather shoes or boots. Wait 3-5 minutes for the alcohol to break the waterproof coating.

If necessary, repeat the process until you’re happy with the result.

Avoid spraying isopropyl alcohol directly on your shoes. If it’s too much, rub it off with a towel.

Use isopropyl alcohol in a well-ventilated room. Ideally, use this solution outside. Not everybody tolerates its pungent alcoholic odor.

Hand sanitizer is a great alternative to isopropyl alcohol. Most hand-sanitizing solutions contain 60 to 75 percent isopropyl alcohol.

Use colorless hand sanitizer to avoid damaging leather color.

How to use saddle soap to remove waterproof spray

Saddle soap is a special product used for cleaning, and protecting leather. The main ingredients are mild soap, lanolin, and beeswax.

Saddle soap is a deep-cleaning astringent leather product. It can shrink leather pulling stains, dirt, and oil out of it.

Thanks to this effect, you can successfully use saddle soap to remove the waterproof coating from leather footwear.

Using saddle soap too frequently can ruin your leather footwear. This is not a product to use on a daily basis.

⇒ Important Notes:

  • Don’t use saddle soap with suede or rough-out leather.
  • Keep in mind that saddle soap can lighten the color of the leather.

After using saddle soap to clean your leather shoes or boots, don’t forget to apply leather cream. Add a bit of conditioner to restore leather flexibility as this product can dry out leather.

Saddle soap will strip away oil and wax from leather which can potentially ruin your shoes.

Think of saddle soap as a big guns cleaner. Use it only if isopropyl alcohol fails to work. And don’t use it right after applying isopropyl alcohol.

⇒ Fun Fact:

As its name suggests, saddle soap was initially made for cleaning horse saddles.

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