Waterproof Expert

Waterproofing tips & tricks

How to Make Your Own Waterproof Matches [Easy & Cheap]

In this article, I’ll show you some simple and effective techniques to make your matches waterproof.

Follow these tips and you’ll always have a reliable fire-starting tool even in the most challenging conditions.

How to Make DIY Waterproof Matches

Method 1: Use Candle Wax

What you’ll need:

  • Matches
  • Candle wax or paraffin wax
  • A small pot and glass container
  • Tongs or tweezers
  • Parchment paper

Step 1: Prepare the Wax

Start by melting the wax. If you don’t have a double boiler, fill a pot with water and place a heat-resistant glass container with the wax in the pot.

Heat the water to a simmer, not a boil.

Step 2: Dip the Matches

Once the wax is melted, carefully dip each match into the melted wax. You can dip just the head, or for extra waterproofing, dip the entire match.

Use tongs or tweezers to hold the matches.

Step 3: Let the Matches Dry

After dipping, remove the match and allow any excess wax to drip back into the container. Place the matches on parchment paper to dry.

Step 4: Storage

Once the wax has fully dried, store your matches in a waterproof container.

To use your waterproof matches, simply scrape off the wax from the head before striking.

Method 2: Use Nail Polish

You can use nail polish to make waterproof matches. The process is simple and straightforward. It’s also less messy than the wax method.

What you’ll need:

  • Matches
  • Clear nail polish
  • A piece of cardboard or paper

Step 1: Dip in Nail Polish

Hold the match by the wooden end and dip the striking end into the nail polish.

Make sure the entire head and a small portion of the wood just below the head are fully covered.

Step 3: Dry the Matches

Stick the matches striking end up in a piece of cardboard to let them dry. This process should take about 20 minutes or so, but it’s best to leave them dry for 2-3 hours to be sure.

For added protection, you can add a second coat of nail polish once the first has dried.

Step 3: Storage

Once the nail polish has fully dried, store your matches in a waterproof container.

How to Strike Waterproof Matches

Striking a waterproof match isn’t all that different from lighting up a regular one.

If you’re using wax-covered matches, get rid of the wax on the match head. Your fingernail or a small knife can do the trick.

Just remember to tread lightly, you don’t want to scrape the actual match head and damage the striking surface.

Next, grab the match by the wooden end and give the head a good strike against the surface.

Once you’ve got your flame, remember to hold the match upwards. This lets the flame travel down the stick at a nice, controlled pace.

You don’t want to tilt it downwards – that can make the flame burn too quickly and you don’t want that.

With nail polish-covered matches, things get even simpler. There’s no need to remove the nail polish before striking.

Just grab the match by the wooden end and strike the head against the surface.

Always stay safe when you’re dealing with fire. Don’t go using matches near anything that can catch fire easily.

Always, always, make sure to put out the match completely after use.

How to Put Out Waterproof Matches

Use your breath to blow out the flame.

For added safety, dip the match in water to make sure it’s completely out.

Even after blowing out and dipping in water, the match can still be hot. Let it cool down.

Once it’s cool, throw it in a trash can.

Always prioritize safety. Make sure the match is completely extinguished before you dispose of it.

How to Dispose of Waterproof Matches

To dispose of waterproof matches safely, you should throw them in a regular trash can. Avoid tossing them into a recycling bin, as matches are typically not recyclable.

You should also never discard used matches on the ground or in natural settings, as they can harm wildlife and the environment.

How Long Do Waterproof Matches Last?

Waterproof matches can easily last for 5-10 years if you keep them in a cool, dry case. However, the waterproofing can wear down over time. Check your matches every now and then.

After all, better safe than sorry, right?

How Do You Make a Waterproof Match Container?

To make a DIY waterproof match container, get a small plastic container such as a pill bottle. Clean and dry this container thoroughly.

Next, cut a piece of sandpaper to fit the size of the container’s lid and glue it on the inside, serving as a handy striker for your matches.

Then, fill your container with your waterproof matches. Make sure the lid is secured tightly to prevent any water from getting in.

Where Can I Buy Waterproof Matches?

Waterproof matches can be found in a variety of stores both online and in physical locations.

You can buy waterproof matches from outdoor sporting goods stores, or larger department stores such as Walmart or Target.

Online marketplaces like Amazon and eBay, or specialized camping gear websites offer a wide selection of these matches.

How Much Do Waterproof Matches Cost?

The cost of waterproof matches can vary depending on the brand, quantity, and where you buy them from. A

box of high-quality waterproof matches typically ranges from around $3 to $10. Specialized or bulk packages may cost more.

What Are Waterproof Matches Made Of?

The match head contains chemicals that ignite when struck. These can include substances like sulfur, glass powder (which creates friction), and an oxidizing agent (like potassium chlorate) that supports the combustion.

To make the matches waterproof, the match head is coated in a waterproof substance. This coating prevents moisture from reaching the chemicals in the match head and impairing ignition.

When Were Waterproof Matches Invented?

J.B. Arpin, a Canadian chemist, invented waterproof matches in 1934. If you’re interested in the details, the patent for this invention is available for reading online.

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