Waterproof Expert

Waterproofing tips & tricks

How to Make Acrylic Paint Waterproof [3 Simple Ways]

Looking to weather-proof your latest art project or outdoor masterpiece? It’s easier than you might think! Let’s dive into the simple steps you can take to make any paint job waterproof.

If you’re using water-based paint, waterproofing your projects is a must.

What Can I Use to Make Paint Waterproof?

To make paint waterproof, you need to use a clear sealer, varnish, or paint additives.

Clear Sealers

Clear sealers are widely available in most paint stores. They come in different finishes like gloss or matte, and they’re pretty simple to use.

Just paint it on top of your dried paint!


Varnish is a type of protective coating that provides a durable and glossy finish to various surfaces, such as wood, metal, or painted surfaces.

It’s available in both oil-based and water-based formulations.

If you want to make acrylic paint waterproof without varnish, use a clear sealer or waterproofing paint additives.

Waterproofing Paint Additives

Waterproofing paint additives are mixed into your paint before application. While they can provide a level of waterproofing, they aren’t usually as effective as a sealer or varnish.

Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when applying any type of sealer or varnish.

And don’t forget to let each coat dry fully before applying the next!

What Can I Mix With Acrylic Paint to Make It Waterproof?

Acrylic paint itself is fairly water-resistant once it dries. But if you’re aiming for true waterproofing, apply an acrylic sealer or varnish over your painted surface.

Acrylic sealers are available in spray or brush-on formats and provide a waterproof topcoat to your acrylic painting.

How to Make Acrylic Paint Waterproof on Wood

To make acrylic paint waterproof on wood apply a clear waterproof sealer or varnish specifically made for wood. Choose a clear, water-resistant sealer and apply it evenly using a brush or roller.

For added protection, you can lightly sand the sealed surface between coats of the waterproof sealer. This helps create a smooth and durable finish.

Follow the instructions for drying time and the number of coats needed.

Does Hairspray Make Acrylic Paint Waterproof?

Hairspray won’t make acrylic paint waterproof.

While hairspray is sometimes suggested as a potential method to make acrylic paint waterproof, it is not a reliable or recommended solution.

Hairspray is not specifically designed for use with acrylic paint.

It contains various ingredients, including solvents and fixatives, which can interact with acrylic paint in unpredictable ways.

It may alter the appearance of the paint, cause discoloration, or even damage the artwork over time.

What Happens if Paint Gets Wet?

When paint gets wet, it can result in water spotting, blistering or bubbling, peeling or flaking, and potential mold or mildew growth.

Water Spotting or Staining

If water or moisture comes into contact with wet paint before it has dried, it can cause water spots or stains.

These can appear as discolored patches on the painted surface and may require touch-ups or repainting.

Blistering or Bubbling

When water penetrates the paint film, it can cause blistering or bubbling, especially if the underlying surface wasn’t properly prepared or sealed.

This occurs when the moisture creates a barrier between the paint and the surface, causing the paint to lift and form bubbles.

Peeling or Flaking

Excessive moisture or prolonged exposure to water can weaken the bond between the paint and the surface.

This can result in peeling or flaking, where the paint starts to detach from the surface and comes off in pieces or flakes.

Mold or Mildew Growth

Moisture can create a favorable environment for mold or mildew growth, particularly in areas with high humidity or poor ventilation.

If paint is exposed to excessive moisture and doesn’t have proper mold-resistant properties, it may develop mold or mildew on its surface.

How Long Before Paint Can Be Rained On?

As a general guideline, most latex or water-based paints require a minimum of two hours to dry before they can withstand light rain.

For optimal durability and to allow the paint to fully cure, wait at least 24 hours before subjecting the painted surface to heavy rain or other harsh weather conditions.

Keep in mind that the time required before paint can be safely exposed to rain depends on the type of paint, environmental conditions, and the thickness of the paint layer.

Always check the specific instructions provided by the paint manufacturer, as some paints may have different drying and curing times.

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